September 11, 2008


My scene concists of a Bernard and his wife Marryjane, and the family (animal). M.J. is on her way out of the family home to do the grocery shopping for the week, as Bernard reads his news paper, and listens to the cd player on the couch bored out his mind. As M.J. close the front door, Bernard gets an inchin' to do alittle kariokee. He begins to sing A Day in the Life, by the beatles. Bernard proceeds to get up and get into the music alittle bit more. Right as he REALLY starts to feel it the family animal hits the cd player and changes the song. Bernard doesnt get mad though, the animal picked another good song, so Bernard runs with it and grabs the lamp from the corner as a simuated microphone. Again the animal changes the song, and again Bernard is ok with it. The lamp/"microphone" turns into a guitar as he rips one of the best Jimi Hendrix guitar solos ever. Bernard desides after a short period of time that he needs to touch on one more Genre of music, so he points to tell the family animal to change the song one final time where he thoughs the Lamp and raps his heart out to Jay-Z. Unfortonatly for Bernard his wife got half way down the street and forgot her cupon book. As Bernard starts the second verse to the song his wife walks in to find her 45 year old husband in a diserayed room rapping to Jay-Z. Needless to say she was not happy.
My scene should be a 1 min. 30 sec.
I would like to put it up on the web and Burn it to a few DVD's.
It should be a comedy.
I am going to use some cartoonish charactors.
The Title of my piece is going to be "The Tuesday Night Shuffle"
There will be three charactors in the scene, Bernard, M.J., and the family Animal withc is still T.B.D.
My main goal for this piece is to show differnt emotions by using differnt genres of music. I plan to show as many differnt emotions, and facial exsperstions as i can.


KipMcSkipster said...

Mike, this is shaping up well. A couple of suggestions/questions:

1. WHY is MJ mad at the end?

2. I wouldn't recommend showing MJ out on the street - keep her re-appearance a surprise.

KipMcSkipster said...

Mike, it's been almost two weeks since your last blog post. I know I said a minimum of 1 post/week but it would be more beneficial for you and the rest of us if you post more regular updates of your progress (which I know you're making).