October 11, 2008

shots for anamatic

these are some of the shots im going to be using for my anamatic. i have been having some problems with one of the characters, for some reason when he is in the low or high res mesh he slows the whole scene down to basicly slug speed. i dont have this problem when i use the porxy, but the porblem is when your only using the proxy the facial features dont work so althought i will be able to finnish up the anamatic relativly easily i feel as if once i start trying to animate him its going to be a huge problem, so if anyone has any sugjetions on how to fix this that would be great.

i should be finishing up the rest of the shots this weekend any sugjestions would be great.

Shot 1: Bob is sitting on the couch reading his news paper.

Shot 2: M.J. walks in from the kitchen on her way out.

Shot 2B: continuing walking to the door. (for timing)

Shot 2C: M.J. says good by as she walks out.

Shot 3: Bob resonds to M.J. Leaving by waving but does not look.

Shot 4: door closing behind M.J.

Shot 5: Bob looks up and begins Singing "A Day in the Life".

Shot 6a&b: Bob throws the news paper on the couch and gets up.

Shot 7a-e: Bob does a full spin on his way to grab the lamp.

Shot 8: Bob grabs the lamp.

Shot 9: the cat changes the song. ( cat will be sitting inbetween the speakers)

Shot 10: Bob glars at the cat.


KipMcSkipster said...

Mike, Good start. You can already start to finalize camera shots/angles at this stage, and I have some suggestions for those. First, you need an establishing shot – or even two – that show both the room and Bob (his face). Shot 2, you might consider the camera trick of changing the focus: you could have a narrow depth of field looking at Bob’s head with the door out of focus over his shoulder; the focus shifts to Bob being out of focus to the door/MJ being IN focus. Shot 2C, maybe a CU of MJ? I like Shot 4 – would love more interesting angles like that. Shot 5 – maybe a worm’s eye view? Shots 6-7 seem bland, maybe mix in some more angles. Shot 10 – maybe an extreme CU of Bob’s eyes?

Andrew said...

Nice looking animatics. Looks like you got most of the timing down. I agree with Ezra that you need an establishing shot. Like me, I think that you could also use more varied camera angles and shots. Overall really nice job.

abl1981 said...

I was thinking maybe ad a little bump mapping to the carpet and give it some more texture later on since this is your anamatic.